9 Years of Profile Pics OR a History of Hairdos

Since I no longer have a straight bob and haven’t for a while now, it was about time for me to update my profile pic. And! With a new hairdo that has me feeling confident again, I put on a cute outfit I’d worn this week, I grabbed my tripod and Remota, and I went out on Saturday afternoon and actually shot four different looks! Awww, isn’t it amazing what a little confidence can do for one’s self-esteem?

I asked my Instagram followers if I should choose 1, the first photo up top, or 2 this one right above. The first image of me smiling with teeth won big time! I took this new profile pic with my remote control (aka Remota). It’s very similar to one of my profile pics a few years ago when I first started wearing my hair short. There’s something bold about profile pics with a red lippy!

This is by far my favorite hairstyle ever. However, during a global pandemic, it’s hard to count on chemically straightening one’s hair. Hence, I began the very, very painful process of growing out straight hair with curls unfurling where they please. Basically, for about four months, I’ve been struggling with hair that brought me down. Aside from all the problems of the world, I added this one to my world. Poor me. Ha! Well, it is fair to say that during this past year, finding confidence in one’s self-esteem has been challenging. I finally feel like myself again with a nice haircut–thanks to Aman at Head Touch in Stanley, Hong Kong.

Holy (Sun In) highlights! While I love my hair here the color is crazy! I am not allowed to use Sun In anymore!! I mean, do I think I’m a teenager?! I must! If I decide to color my hair, it’s probably best to leave it to the professionals! Pretty soon, well maybe in a year? I’ll have these curls back–minus the orange!

I used this profile pic for many years! It’s very similar to the one I’ve just switched to. My hair is the same natural color, and I’ve got the red lippy. I used this profile pic for so long because this picture looks like me. Thank goodness my hair now looks close to this! This hairstyle was when I first when short. I tried to go gradually, but the lob I had lasted a week. I wanted short hair, so I went for it! I haven’t been able to grow it out long since.

Look at that long, long hair. One day I’d like to have hair like this again. I know, I know–that means I have to stop cutting it! Let’s see if I can do it… My fingers are crossed!

Ok, I don’t think this profile pic lasted very long. It’s awful. I still had so much to learn about taking pictures and editing. The post with this picture actually has a pretty funny story–albeit a little sad but funny nonetheless. I had recently styled and shot a student in a line of clothing that reached out to me. It was right after I published this blog post when my website got the most views it has ever gotten in its history. I thought it was Tora. Well… after a little further investigation of my analytics, I found that it was actually GOMI (Get Off My Internet). GOMI is a horrid site where people just rip bloggers to shreds. Someone said I looked like a troll!! Isn’t that funny? I do admit my editing back then needed some work, but why are people so mean?

Finally, my artsy, abstract profile pic. I’m so edgy right!? Haha! I do make myself chuckle.

To end this overly narcissistic blog post, let me list some things to consider when taking profile pics:

  • Know your angles. You probably already do this without knowing it, but most likely you prefer one side of your face then the other.
  • I know you won’t believe me, but I have a double chin! If you jut your face forward a bit and angle your jaw out, you can magically get rid of that extra chin minus the plastic surgery.
  • Lipstick is our friend! It makes our eyes pop! Try it. You will see what I mean.
  • Choose a plain background and go for a picture outdoors. The natural light will make your eyes brighter.
  • Finally, learn how to use a remote. I use my phone to connect with my camera. I’m able to see that my chin is hidden and that my angle is spot on. I can play around with which way to direct my eyes. Lastly, I can line myself straight on with the camera.

I hope these profile pic tips help you out! And if you want me to take yours or even edit them, give me a holler. I’d be happy to help.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!