5 Tight Space Tips

Hong Kong living has taught us how to make use of what little space we have. In our bedroom, I utilize almost every little inch. I wanted to share 5 tight space tips–just in case you too live in a tight space.

1. Decorate the wall with scarves. Keeping them out helps me to use them more often too. Exposed they don’t get hidden in the clutter of my closet.

2. Use the windowsill as a shelf–a shelf for me to display my booties!
3. Necklaces in a drawer or box can get so mixed up; instead I find places to hang them. Again, visibility of accessories increase wear.


4. Get full use out of a vanity table. I use the floor. Creating compartmentalized boxes and containers helps keep me organized. The box below on the left is filled with products for my body while the box on the right is filled with products for my hair.

5. These three bed pieces offer a total of 10 drawers! The bed has two on each side at the bottom, and the bed side tables are actually dresser drawers with three each.
What tips do you have to increase the use of a tight space? Share in the comments!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

3 thoughts on “5 Tight Space Tips

    1. Ahhh Grace! Of course!! It’s the perfect painting above our bed. It has been for 16 years! I’m glad you noticed it;D A x

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