White Shirt: Ping Pong Piece No. 3

For one year, Anna, Samantha and myself sent items around the world for the Ping Pong Post that would happen on the 20th of each month. This year, we’ve made a list of items that most likely every woman has in their wardrobe, and we style it. Plus, we’ve added a new touch: we invite a fellow blogger to join us. This month, Samantha chose the very basic white shirt. We all have them. I mean I feel I can guarantee that every woman has a white button down shirt of some sort in her closet. The fun thing is a white shirt can take on so many different shapes and forms–as you will see in this Ping Pong Piece post. It’s our third round of choosing a piece, and Samantha invited Monica, aka Señora Allnut. Definitely, the white shirt can be styled in a variety of ways and comes is a multitude of styles.

Fake Fabulous

Samantha chose a sleeveless variation and one we can barely see, but Sam is an expert at layering as proven here. She needs to layer because where she lives is usually quite brisk–and I believe that may be an understatement. Do you notice how her white shirt is eyelet? Matching the dress? There’s texture galore, and I love all the other touches that add even more texture: the belt and shoes being my favorite.

Señora Allnut

Monica is a vibrant dresser, so styling a white shirt was actually a bit of a challenge for her. (Not shown in the picture here is the very vibrant red trench she had layered over this outfit.) Similar to Samantha, Monica is a bold print mixer: stripes, floral, and colorful beads. In my opinion her long white shirt serves as the perfect duster to this outfit pulling it all together.

Anna’s Island Style

I knew we could rely on Anna to wear the white shirt most of us have. It’s a tailored long sleeve button down. But, the cool thing that Anna has done here is funk up the basic with a vest and trouser in two quirky prints clashing together. Clash is the wrong word because this pairing totally works. I love the modern cowboy vibe she’s sporting. And those silver gun metal boots?! Want!!

And me, Kremb de la Kremb

I have so many white shirts. It’s actually ridiculous. I have the tailored one like Anna, the long duster like Monica, and I even have a sleeveless version like Samantha–although mine is in a linen/denim sort of fabric. Recently though, while I was snooping around Shein, I saw this long, tied version of a button down, white shirt. I felt I had to have it for my spring break trip to the Philippines. In my opinion it was going to make for the perfect travel shirt and beach coverup combined. Turns out I was right. I love this version of a white button down shirt.

This week I decided to try it out for work. I knew that my belly sometimes peeks out through the hole from the tie, but with some high waisted jeans, I took the risk. I love the idea of an all white outfit, so that’s exactly how I wore it–with white everything! Even though there are no bold colors to be found, I think wearing all white is in fact a bold feat. And, guess what?! I didn’t spill anything on myself all day long. Wow! Now that’s a record!!

What’s your favorite way to style the white shirt found in your closet?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “White Shirt: Ping Pong Piece No. 3

  1. What a unique white shirt you found Anne! The keyhole , the tying feature and the long silhouette are all interesting features that make this white shirt very cool! I think you’re going to get lots of wear out of this!

    I think those feathery sandals would look great with this outfit!

  3. I love this all white look Ann! The shirt is a great piece and yes, very versatile and totally perfect for the beach too. The accessorizing with the abundance of jewellery work really well, maybe thanks to the lack of colours here. Anyway, my dear little sex kitten, it all looks fab-u-lous!
    Anna x

  4. All white IS a seriously bold choice Ann!
    It exudes confidence and gives the feeling of being pulled-together and generally so well organised the thought of a slitter is unthinkable! (Slitter=a spill)
    Sexy, beautiful and typically Annie-fabulous!

  5. it has been so lovely to share a post with you, dear ladies!, and you rock so much!
    Love your genuine and cool style!

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