Trying a Trend: The Long Skinny Scarf

Long Skinny Scarf 8
I’m all for trying a trend. Last month I gave the kerchief neck tie a try. I’ve worn this style a few more times, and I’m starting to like it a bit more. This month however I’ve attempted another neck accessory: the long skinny scarf. This elongating scarf trend I like a whole lot better! It’s like wearing a really long necklace, with flowing, swaying, and lengthening goodness. This is a style I can support. Granted, I’m not really any taller in these pics, but hey, if you feel it, it counts for something! For those individuals who solely wear scarves for a purpose this, nor the kerchief tie, are for you, but in my opinion anything around the neck provides warmth–I’d even argue that a statement necklace can provide a bit!

Long Skinny Scarf 6

Long Skinny Scarf 1

Long Skinny Scarf 3

Pictures by I’m a Norbyah.

Do you think you’ll try the long, skinny scarf?

Inspiration from Pinterest for the Long Skinny Scarf:

Are you on Pinterest? Let’s follow each other, k? I’m Kremb de la Kremb there.
Follow Kremb de la Kremb’s board Long Skinny Scarf on Pinterest.

Shop for a Long Skinny Scarf:

I’ve used affiliate links here. If you purchase from one of these links, I’ll make a couple of cents. As always, if there’s ever something you’d like me to find for you, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I love shopping. Like with a capital LOVE!
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Some Outfit Details:

Long Skinny Scarf–Zara
Pearl Earrings–Ben from Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay (4th stall on the left)
White Blouse–Maple (a little chain boutique in Hong Kong)
Black Boyfriend Blazer–Forever 21
Jeans–Diesel that I hacked at the hem (Here’s a ready made pair.)
Black Suede Crossover–Girls Zara
Glitter Boots–Zara

*This post has been linked up to Monday Mingle, A Lovely Little Wardrobe Link Up, #Passion4Fashion, Friday Fashion, Fab Favorites, Throw Back Thursday, Turning Heads twice, What I Wore, Brilliant Blog Posts, Oh, Hey Girl!, Style Me Wednesday, and WIWW.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “Trying a Trend: The Long Skinny Scarf

  1. Before we get onto the scarf, Ann…Can I just say WOW to those fab boots with your cute jeans! Loving that look on you.
    Okay, back to long skinny scarves.
    This scarf looks great on you (are you sure you are not a couple of inches taller? I could have sworn you were?! :OP)
    It is very flattering and (as you rightly said) elongating.
    I really like the look of them (on other people) but I don’t like how they feel on me.
    I get the strangled feeling. Even if I tie it loosely it ends up twisted round and I feel like I am in a choke hold with an octopus. AND, I think like they make me look a bit too long in the neck and heading toward goose territory….or maybe a giraffe??
    I don’t think they are for me.
    Having said that, I will always give an item a try….and if I found one in a beautiful fabric, I would not be able to resist.
    Do you have any tips to stop the choking effect?

    1. Hahahha Samantha! I wish I was taller. When I’m lighter on the scale, I always look a bit taller–plus I stand taller then. I’m 5’7″ or 67 cm. How about you? You’re taller right?

      Ok, I have a solution for you and this scarf–because it will look great on you! Tie it at the back, loosely so you can breathe (!), and then bring the long ends to the front. Does that make sense? No one has to know that it’s been tied back there–and tie it in a knot so the looseness stays as you’d like it.

      Also, when you go to wear since you’re afraid of looking like you have a longer neck (something I’d like!), maybe try a high collared shirt. Like wear it with a white blouse with the collar standing straight up. Ya know what I mean?

      Looking forward to see you rock it Samantha!

      Love, Ann

      1. What a simple suggestion! Brilliant!!!
        And the collar tip….you are a clever cookie.
        I am definitely going to try this now.
        Thank you so much!
        P.s. I am almost 5 feet 6….almost but not quite…I would love an extra inch (or two).

  2. Wow!! You are knocking it out of the ballpark with another fab outfit! I love the look of skinny scarves and was thinking using on of my fabric belts that comes from some of my dresses. BTW, those boots are beyond fab!!

    Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


  3. So my initial take was this seemed rather Hogswort-esque. You know, when it’s the last day of school and capes are a-flying, ties all awry. Then I saw that asymmetrical hemline of your shirt. Bham. It all made sense. This outfit be fly.

  4. Thank you so much Idu. I didn’t think I’d be a fan either, but I’m glad I gave it a try because I found I like them! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again! Ann

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