
Style Story Link Up No. 5 + @catoinamsterdam

I am making friends with the coolest women–around the world. No I haven’t met them in person yet, but I am getting to know them regardless of time and place. This week for my Style Story Link Up, I want to introduce you to @catoinamsterdam. For ease I’ll refer to @catoinamsterdam by her name, Carin. But have it be known that if you are on Instagram, and you like to seek inspiration from stylish outfits, then stop reading this post, click on this link right now, and select “FOLLOW.” Carin is known in Instagram as @catoinamsterdam, and to put it simply she is known!

In the short three months that Carin has been on Instagram she has created one of the most exemplary communities I’ve seen. Carin is first and (obviously) foremost very, very stylish. But, this is not her only claim to fame. Carin is also super nice, encouraging and supportive, very fun, and finally engaging. She replies to every single one of her comments as well as graciously and continuously commenting to others on their own pics. I know this from experience. This is how we started to firm up our friendship: it was about a month ago that I began writing her the old fashion way as pen pals. (This is the old fashion term for those individuals who write hand written letters and send them through the physical post via an individual called a postman.) Now I’m anxiously waiting for my postcard to be sent over from Holland–yes, the “amsterdam” in her handle refers to where she lives. Lucky huh!?! Until I travel to Amsterdam or Carin travels to Hong Kong, we’ll continue growing our friendship via the many modes available to us today.

Now, go ahead and take a look at why I follow Carin and why you should too! You’re going to see bold colors, fun pattern play, whimsical touches, and my favorite, confidence. Her smile and stature all tell us Carin is proud to wear what she’s wearing each and every day!

Follow @catoinamsterdam

@Carinamsterdam Collage 1

@CatoinAmsterdam Collage 2

All pics were taken from @catoinamsterdam with permission.
I like to take a little credit for outfit inspiration on the “C” sweatshirt–right Carin?

Link Up Your Style Story!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

21 thoughts on “Style Story Link Up No. 5 + @catoinamsterdam

  1. WOW she has amazing style. Thanks for sharing. She looks gorgeous in midi style skirts and dresses and she owns some beautiful skirts, too.

    Have a great Sunday Ann!

  2. OMG I LOVE Carin… she’s so amazing!! I found when she joined in with #iwillwearwhatilike – so elegant and fun at the same time.

    Thanks so much for hosting, my lovely! Hope to see you at the #WearingMyWeddingDress challenge for today’s link up…?

    Catherine xoxo

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I discovered Carin on IG too and was immediately impressed by her style. Boy that woman knows how to put together an outfit. I would be green with envy if she wasn’t so nice LOL. She is by far my superior. She is actually so good I have been thinking: “me blogging? Why? I might as well give up. She is so much better”. But I kicked myself and made another post.
    PS Don’t you dare ever coming to Amsterdam without at least having a cup of cappuccino with me too.

    1. I will definitely be having a cup of jo with you too Greetje! Don’t you worry!!

      And yes, we can all learn a lot from Carin. I love to see what she’s wearing each day!

      See you in Amsterdam! Ann (Oh, how I wish I were going to your lovely city!!)

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