Style Stories No. 13 and Louella Odié

Louella Odié Lattice Bags
There’s a local brand that I love and especially adore working with and that brand is Louella Odié. Louella Odié has beautiful bags and scarves, yet the creation behind them is just as spectacular as their actual products. Mother and daughter team create the magic of Louella Odié. Karen, mom, is the artist behind the bag, and Lauren, daughter, runs the business side of things. Together they make a phenomenal team–one as a daughter of an artist to envy; I think it would be quite special to work with my own artist mom. (In fact, Joanie and I do scheme at how I could sell some of her art work over here at the bazaars–I definitely need to revisit this idea!) The other reason why I admire the Louella Odié brand has to do with the medium that Karen uses–another art form close to my family. Karen is a printmaker, just like my brother Adrian. I can appreciate with how demanding and labor intensive printmaking is: it is NOT an easy art form. The process of creating a print is quite arduous yet the final product is always so amazing. Each one of Louella Odie’s bag takes on a different print. Here, and for the entire week on Kremb de la Kremb, I will be highlighting the Louella Odié Lattice Collection. Lauren and Karen let me loan three bags, and during my Chinese New Year trip to Thailand I had the luxury of traveling with the set. It was so wonderful! I love each of the bags for different reasons–more on that this week. Until then, go take a look at the Lattice Collections at Louella Odié, and if you are so inclined to purchase, take 15% off with the code KREMBDELAKREMB!

Louella Odié Lattice Backpack

Louella Odié Lattice Backpack

Louella Odié Lattice Crossover

Louella Odié Lattice Crossover

Louella Odié Lattice Totek

Louella Odié Lattice Tote

What brand do you love?

Do you have brand that you just love because of their creativity and teamwork? I feel so inspired by the Louella Odié entrepreneurs embracing something they love and going with it. I long for a creative outlet that could somehow also become monetized. Maybe for now, I should feel lucky to just keep this blog as it is and appreciate the daily creative fullfillment it gives me. There’s no doubt I love getting dressed, and now I am trying to somehow figure out how to make that my longevity. Maybe one of these days I’ll get hired–hey maybe by you! In the meantime, I take great pleasure in meeting and knowing the creative people in my Hong Kong community as well as beyond. And for sure I enjoy the creativity found by writing Kremb de la Kremb.

Style Stories No. 13 Link UP:

And now for the link up….would you like to link up? I sure hope so! As usual and as is custom for link ups, I ask that you please link back to me. I’d really appreciate that. I look forward to seeing what you link up with.

Love, Ann

PS. From Style Stories No. 12 Link Up

From the link up two weeks ago there were two looks that I definitely connected with. First up Zuma’s black tulle skirt is dreamy! I have a cream tulle skirt, yet seeing how tailored hers is gave me reason to maybe get mine tucked in and tailored. Mine is never slimming on me, rather very poofy. I love how classy she styled it with the kelly green lace. Zuma is very chic. Then, Suzanne is a woman after my own heart! I so desperately want to be wearing what she’s wearing but alas the cold, foggy, rainy weather over here in Hong Kong has not allowed for a hint of sandals to appear quite yet. I love how Suzanne mixed the fringe poncho with muted spring colors. It’s what I’m going for these days.

Follow Zuma’s blog over on Splashes of Teal and @splashesofteal on Instagram.
Follow Suzanne’s blog at Ask Suzanne Bell and @asksuzannebell on Instagram.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

23 thoughts on “Style Stories No. 13 and Louella Odié

  1. I know Suzanne who is very good at styling. Didn’t know Zuma yet. You are right, she looks gorgeous in that tulle skirt.
    The bags by Louella Odié are indeed very special. What a lot of work goes into that. If you consider that, then the price is very very reasonable. I looked through all the collections and really like the Pomfret bag (with the fishies) and the Green jungle bag, both from the Island collection.

    1. Oh my! It is embarrassingly sad how long it has taken me to reply to comments on this post from so long ago. Please accept my apology! Whew!

      Ironically the bag you mentioned–the green jungle bag–will be making an appearance over here real soon. Louella Odié loaned me this style for my most recent trip to Borneo, Malaysia, so stayed tuned for the jungle bag in the jungle!

      I’m happy I was able to introduce you to Zuma. Our little community keeps getting closer and closer, doesn’t it!

      As always, thanks so much for your comment Greetje. I will try to have a better response rate. Goodness me!! Time does escape me that’s for sure!!

      Love, Ann

    1. They are a neat little team, Lauren and Karen. It’s quite neat to see them together. Makes me wish I was able to do something so enterprising with my own mama.

      Thanks for stopping by Andrea! Love, Ann

    1. Yes, they are a special team Jennie. Both of them are so nice in person too. Stay tuned for another Louella Odié feature coming up with their jungle bag!

      And yes, I love Suzanne’s cardi too!

      Love, Ann

  2. Pattern and printmaking were two electives we had during high school, and sadly, I took neither, opting instead for fine art and batik #duhme I took a look at the Louella Odie line and that Daschund crossbody is delightful. And whilst their design and craftsmanship aren’t to be questioned, at the heart of the matter is supporting small businesses, femmepreneurs, Which is why, as often as I can, I purchase apparel from indie designers on Etsy. So many advantages – limited production, artisan quality, and so forth. I’m particularly fond of ZIBTextile (from Romania), Yellowcake & Leather Tongue (Project Runway alumni) as well as Riyka (from the UK).

    Thank you for highlighting Louella Odie, Annie, and Suzanne (I adore Suzanne, a master at creating laidback chic outfits) and for introducing me to Zuma. As Greetje said, she looks amazing in that tulle number xoxo

    1. I think studying the art of batik must have been very fascinating! What a beautiful art form!

      Speaking of Project Runway….I’ve been enjoying my fanny pack tee lately!

      Love, Annie

    1. Me too Ada, the best bag is the tote! I love it. It’s lightweight and roomy–basically the perfect beach bag! And matchy matcy with my usual black bikini! It seems to be my suit of choice these days.

      All the best with your link up. As you can see I am quite delinquent with mine! It’s hard to keep up with, so I do hope you are more successful than me! Goodness!

      Thanks for stopping by. Love, Ann

  3. Ann I love the pattern on your bags – they’re amazingly intricate!! They suit black and white so well, no wonder you’re pleased as punch to have found the brand. I know a girl locally who makes beautiful scarves and fringed kimonos… She always picks the prettiest fabrics and makes them all look really vintage-looking. It’s lovely to see local talent doing well 🙂

    Thank you so much for hosting sweetie – looking forward to seeing you later for #iwillwearwhatilike!

    Catherine x

    1. Oh Catherine! How embarrassing to a month later in replying to your comment! I am so behind in so many areas! Eeek! Maybe soon I’ll be able to resume linking up to your fabulous #iwillwearwhatilike link up. For now, thank goodness for the IG hashtag! Sometimes it appears as if I make the popular 9 which always makes me feel so good! I’ll be coming over to the real thing soon! Also, I’ll be turning to you for determination inspiration. There are times when I just don’t seem to be keeping up with all of it! I don’t know how you do it!! Love, Annie

  4. Oh Suzanne, it was my pleasure to highlight you! I apologize for taking so long to write back. I’ve let responding to people on my blog go, and hopefully I haven’t lost a new friend in you by taking too long.

    I am now writing just about a month later, so hopefully the weather has gotten better for you. I do hope so! As for me over here in Hong Kong it’s as if they’ve turned on the switch, and the cold weather is happily gone. Thank goodness! We don’t have heat over here, so when it’s cold, it’s really, really cold!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the bags–they are super neat.

    Here’s to your style!! Love, Ann

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