Style Stories No. 9: Back-to-Work

Here’s a sampling of what I wore this past week. It was difficult arriving back from an amazing trip where we went home for the holidays. Arriving late on Sunday night made getting up for work on Monday a bit difficult. I declared Monday a jeans day for myself. By the end of the week I stepped it up a notch. I feel very lucky that I have a pretty relaxed dress code at work receiving a lot of freedom in my sartorial ways. During the trip away, I managed to get some shopping in Stateside. Oh what fun! Especially after the holidays when the sales are rampant. Wow! I’m not shopping until after Christmas next year–if I can hold tight.

*You may have noticed a difference in the image up above. Santa delivered a Wacom tablet so I’m giving it a stab. I still have a ton to learn and much to get better at, yet I do love being able to write on an image though. It’s pretty nifty. All the images are from @krembdelakremb. Follow me and my style shenanigans on Instagram!

Back-to-Work Style Notes:

This is what I recommend from this week’s back-to-work Monday through Friday outfits:

  • After pining away for my sister’s Madewell Flea Market Flares that she let me borrow this summer, I decided to take the plunge and finally get a pair myself. It had been sooooo long since I invested in blue jeans. (Like 2009!) Lucky for me this pair was on super sale plus I was able to get a pair of black high waisted skinnies. I tell you what ladies: try out the high-waisted jeans. They feel so great over my ponchy pooch!
  • The thing I love about the co-ord trend is that out of this one outfit, I now have a top and bottom to mix and match. This is the co-ord I wore to the first day of school. I like how it comes across as a dress rather than separates. I’ve taken down my shopping guides and added the co-ord shop back to my shopping section on Kremb de la Kremb.
  • Zara is also having a major sale! I did really well there because I also was benefitting from the Canadian dollar. These navy blue suede culottes were a no brainer. I was also able to score the black velvet suit I had been coveting all fall long at a fraction of the price. It will be my go-to holiday outfit next year. I highly recommend stopping into the nearest Zara near you!
  • Anything from Banana Republic that is on sale can also have another %40 taken off with the code “BR40.” Here’s my exact blush sweater that I scored for US$16! (It comes in 12 colors, so there’s gotta be a color for you there!)
  • Except for special events, I am still preferring to wear a flat heal for work. My New Balance tennis shoes have been pillows on my feet, yet I’ve been wanting to mix it up a little. These new brogues with tassels were a stupendous find (again, at Zara). I can tell they will be on high rotation.
  • On a final note, I recommend you splurge (or find the perfect one on sale–don’t worry, I’ll help you!) on some faux fur! I big puffy black coat–like I wore on Tuesday, is so very cozy and suits just about every outfit. I’ve found some plain black versions for you at various price points from ASOS–the offer free shipping world wide! Trust me. You’ll love it. You can thank me later….

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Shopping Day Dreamer

  • So, I do not own these, but I just wanted to include one of the items I am coveting from the after the holidays sales at J.Crew. They are still a fortune–even on sale, but maybe they’ll come down a bit more. I find these gold sequin culottes beyond fabulous. In the window at our Hong Kong branch they’re paired casually with a pair of neon New Balance. I was smitten!!
  • Another item that I kept going back to time and time again was this pair of Free People sock boots. (A sock boot is when the calf shaft is tighter around the ankle and goes up a little further than an ankle bootie. You can expect to see more of them.) They’re the deepest shade of navy, so they’d almost pass as black. They’re the perfect sock boot fit, and amazingly, they didn’t feel to high in even though there’s about a three inch heel there. I really can’t stop thinking of them. My birthday is in February–hint, hint to a possible gentleman reader.

Your turn!

Unlike my six style promises of 2016, I can’t make any promises in terms of my style stories’ link up, but it’s back this week. I will try my best to resurrect this link up!

Share any of your style stories. I want to see what you’ve been up to!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

29 thoughts on “Style Stories No. 9: Back-to-Work

  1. Hi Ann
    Love the navy suede culottes, just got my eye on a tan pair. I think they will still be wearable in the warmer weather later. I also love the flared trousers too.
    Thank you for hosting
    Laurie x

    1. Yes to the suede in the spring or fall! Imagine your pair or mine with a white tank and either a white or denim shirt tied at the waist. Perfection. Get them!!

      Unfortunately, I’m not sure what to do with the flared pants. I seriously almost fell a ton of times, and that would be very bad for my repairing hip! Hey, maybe I should hem them to culotte length….

      Thanks for stopping by, linking up, and commenting too Laurie!

      Love, Ann

  2. Great looks! It’s hard to get back to “reality” after a vacation, but you did it very stylishly! 🙂 Glad you got to shop some awesome sales! I love buying clothes on vacation (and especially “back home”), and when there are major sales it’s even better! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Andrea. Yes, “reality.” Here I am on another Monday. Meh! Luckily I’m dressed very cozily because it’s a doozie of a day.

      Thanks for linking up Andrea! Love, Ann

  3. I would agree, Annie…..Most (if not all) of my clothes have a story behind them.
    Thank you for bringing back your linky….I have missed it!
    And, therefore, you are inundated with my links.
    I had to stop at 6.
    It was getting excessive!!
    Oh, and, you have inspired me to dig out my much hated culottes for another try.
    Boots could be the answer!

    1. Yay to 6 links! Go for it! (I often do the same thing to Catherine!) It is a link party after so have at it.

      Samantha, what ever is it about culottes that you don’t like? I feel like they would look stunning on you! Do tell!

      Love, Annie

      1. I think that I just feel like a bag lady in them.
        Big arse and pencils for legs…apologies for the “arse”….but it had to be said!
        I have no idea why.
        I should love their contemporary vibe BUT I just feel frumpy.
        I feel the same way about full skirts.
        I MUST get over this and give them another go….. full skirts too!!

    1. Yes, maybe I’ll be back to the hang of things around February–just in time for another vacation for Chinese New Year! I will not complain about the perks of being a teacher!! Multiple holidays all year long!! Woohoo!

      Thanks for coming by and linking up Jacqueline. Love, Ann

  4. Ooooo how I love those culottes – especially in suede. I’m off to search ebay for something to rival these Ann, they’re bloomin’ fantastic! Thank you for the link up again xxx
    Anna’s Island Style

  5. Normally I’m not a fan of culottes (on me anyways), but blue suede?! Um, yes! It is rough going back to work, but honestly I kind of like getting myself back on a set schedule…at least then I know what day it is!

    1. I hear you about the day–I swear I had no idea what day it was for three weeks straight! I felt like a nimkompoop! Well, not really, but kind of. Now I’m just counting days till the next holiday. We get a week off in Feb for Chinese New Year! My husband just bought tickets to Thailand this weekend. When we wait long enough, some great deals pop up.

      Try some suede culottes Debbie! You won’t regret it!!

      Love, Ann

  6. I love those funky pants, Ann, don’t stop wearing them. Maybe some higher heeled boots?? Those glitter shoes??

    1. I know, I know. I won’t throw them out just yet. Maybe I could hem them turning them into culottes. Those cute glitter booties, well even that two inch heel is probably a bit too much for me repairing hip. Blasted! I don’t mind keeping the two hour shoes in my closet though. They’re too pretty to give up just yet, as are these pants.

      Thanks for linking up Sheela! Love, Annie

      1. I’m such a blind bat. I just realised those culottes are suede and you’ve paired them with a blush pink turtleneck. Delicious much, and on point.

  7. Hi
    I totally agree about Zara. They really do have some great items in there right now. It’s my favourite place to shop. I love all your outfits especially the one with the culottes. 🙂

    1. I especially love it when the prices plummet to such amazingly low prices. Makes you wonder why you’d ever pay full price, but then some items, ya just gotta have right?!

      Thanks for stopping by Rachel! Love, Ann

  8. Ann it’s so good to see Style Stories back, even if it is only when you can manage it! Do whatever suits you my dear 🙂

    I love the photos with writing on, I was wondering how you did it then read about your Wacom tablet. My husband has one, maybe I should borrow it…!! Love your comment about tripping on your wide legged pants, haha!

    Thanks so much for hosting and thanks for linking up to #iwillwearwhatilike, much love

    Catherine x

    1. You know me Catherine, always trying something new! Now I just have to work on consistency! ;P I was excited that Santa brought me the Wacom tablet, so I’m trying it out. It’s rather fun. I definitely need to work on my handwriting!! Haha.

      I’ve got all big hopes to make this linky weekly, but I should probably just stick to biweekly so it succeeds, right!?

      Love having you here Catherine! Muah. Annie

    1. Thank you Johanna. I seriously almost fell multiple times a day. They might be reserved for just outfit posts until I either a) hem them to culottes or b) am able to wear heels. I think “a” will happen before “b.”

      So great to see you here!

      Love, Ann

  9. I am trying to catch up and am going through all your posts, but it is no good. Too little time. But.. If I have the time and I know you are hosting a link-up I will try and join next time.

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