India’s Beautiful People

This will be my last instalment from India–until my next trip. And there will be another one because India has become that essential place that replenishes my soul. I know I’ve been writing so much about India whether it’s about packing, my adoration of Ganesh, fashion bloggers from India, or the outfits I wear traveling through this land. Perhaps all the posts just emphasize my complete love for India–and mainly its people.

Two Indian Ladies

Look at those happy eyes! Smiley eyes get me every time. You know how they say there’s a body part that we all find ourselves attracted to in others. Well, mine is definitely the eyes. I love eyes. They say so much.

Kajol EyesThe children of India are adorable, and this little gal especially caught my eye–with her eyes! Kajol (or kohl) lines many Indian children’s eyes to ward off the evil eye.

Fashionable Indian LadyThis lady was seriously stylin’. She was with about 5 other super fashionable women, but I found her look the best out of them all.

Woman Washing LaundryI felt very guilty snapping this woman’s pic–she was conducting such a private matter along the river bed. But again, her eyes caught mine and I couldn’t resist.

Indian Village GirlThis little cutie pie is my favorite, and she’s grown since the last time I took her picture

Henna ArtistThis man came to our camp and gave each of us the loveliest henna art.

Indian Old WomanOn one of our mammoth hikes, we cross by the most beautiful garden. This year the gardener was out, and I got a great picture of her. It’s as if you can actually see her humility. She’s precious to me.

Rajasthani WomanOn our last day in Delhi, we went to a market. I turned the corner, and this woman made me catch my breath. She allowed me her picture. STUNNING!

Indian BoysAnd check out her three boys. HANDSOME!

Indian Adventure ManThis is Marty. He’s our guide during our trips to India. I actually know Marty from my school trips when I worked at the American School of Bombay. Even my mom knows Marty! Each year, I come home raving about Marty, and Kevin asks, Do I need to worry about you on this trip? Hehe. Maybe!! He’s so ruggedly handsome! Don’t worry: I know the lesson Mrs. Shrock taught me back in 8th grade, “You can look, not touch!”

So there’s some evidence of India’s beautiful people. Until next visit….

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!