Embracing Green

embracing-green-9After 30 years of ignoring the color, I am finally embracing green. Crazy right? Well, I’ll explain. When I was in 4th grade, we moved into a beautiful new home that my mom helped to design. At the time she was working as a free lance interior designer, and our house was her showcase. Obviously, with blue as my favorite color, I would have preferred for my room to be in any hue of blue. But, my mom had an entire whole house color scheme with the basement designated in forest green with accents of peach. With the hallway carpeted in forest green and my room in peach, the obvious choice for my wallpaper was forest green with tiny peach little flowers all over; ironically, I would have been happy with my next door brothers’ plaid room in the same color scheme. I don’t even know if my mom knows these strong feelings about that room, my first room to myself, but I hated the decor. I’ve just never been a forest green person always loving midnight blue, peacock blue, teal blue, turquoise blue, any shade of blue. My eyes on the other hand are naturally probably more green than blue. Because of the sharing of the green shaggy clothing item last week, I’ve been set on introducing more green into my wardrobe. And guess what? I’m liking green–in specific that army green that pulls out the yellow in my eyes. Granted, any shade of blue is still my favorite color, but it feels good to finally be embracing green after some 30 odd years!







Do you have a favorite color? What is it? And do you have a color you avoid? Again, what is it?

Embracing Green

Just in case you’d like to embrace some (army) green like me, I’ve found some cool options for you:

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(This post has been linked to #iwillwearwhatilike.)

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

17 thoughts on “Embracing Green

  1. I would probably shy away from green too after that haha! It looks so fab on you though and I’m so glad you are embracing it now! I really don’t have a favorite color. Every time I say a certain one is it, I fall in love with a different one! Orange is probably my least though.

    1. Silly childhood memories! They, and my mother, have shaped my style so much! And I’m happy to be embracing it once again–but only in clothing, no wallpaper!

      Ya, I don’t really like orange either–reminds me of Halloween. But, Mary, do check out this post with some fun orange included: https://www.krembdelakremb.com/style-stories-6-and-my-paisley-pants/ They are my paisley Thanksgiving Pants! (Notice the intential capital letters as those pants have been named;)

      A x

  2. I’ve come to think of green as a neutral. I think that happened as part of creating and maintaining my garden.
    You look really lovely in this loden/olive green Ann.
    How nice to have a whole color to re-explore!!! You’ve made me want to do a self examination to see if there’s a color I’ve had an unwarranted prejudice about. Maybe that will defer my anxiety about the our fast approaching election day…

    1. I just reconfirmed my ballot today! Wednesday morning here will be telling. For us, we wake up with a new one rather than watching it happen.

      I think this shade of green is definitely a neutral. Guess what? I just bought a beautiful chenille loden (love that word!) sweater at Zara this weekend. I couldn’t resist. It’s definitely green, but with my hair at times is almost looks brown too. I can’t wait to wear it, but I’ll need to wait for the weather to cool a bit more…

      So, have you found the color to explore? Do share!

      A x

      1. I have thoroughly examined my color conscience and I can honestly say I’m pretty open to ALL colors.
        For many years I’ve avoided marigold yellow; mainly because it washes me out and just doesn’t flatter me. BUT!!! I recently discovered that wearing a scarf with colors that DO look flattering , next to my face can take the curse off the “nasty” color!
        By the way, I LOVE those crazy orange, paisley pants!!! I think you need to try them with GREEN!!! Especially a loden green. Or possibly a bronze! Also, there’s so much going on in the print of those pants I just think you should do a plain, one color top. Sorry to be critical Ann but I think that paisley print can carry the show on its own!! =)

        1. I love your critical eye! By all means, I adore it actually!! And yes, the leopard is a bit over kill with the paisley is a bit overkill, but I thought it was bit whimsical as well. I usually just wear these pants with plain old white. Before while living in India, I paired them with orange. But…I don’t have an orange top any more. Might have to fix that. Green? Not sure….there’s no green in the pant. I could try thought.

          I only look good in a very sunny yellow and only if I’m tan. I did have the cutest yellow top that worked for me, but I don’t know why, but I gave it away. I gave a lot of clothes away that I regret when I moved from Beijing to Hong Kong. I knew I’d be tight on space, so I went through many, many purges before moving here. Now, there are a couple of items–the yellow shirt being one of them (it was from my time down in El Salvador–our very first post!)–when I wish I would have kept some things. Oh well. Just a shirt!!

          Thanks for stopping by Marilee/Judy/Jude (see how I get confused?!).

          Love, Ann

  3. Isn’t it funny how these likes and dislikes are generated? I am glad you found the way back to green as it suits you so well. Love the earrings too.
    And what is different about your hair? Fringe?

    1. I know. I have so many childhood memories that have influenced my style. Memories and my mother!

      I picked up these earrings at Zara–it was either gold or pearl, and I went with the over-the-top gold!

      And yes to my hair: I’ve been cutting the fringe myself. I want this rocker shag(the haircut)/mullet type look, and with my own styling with the scissors, I think I’ve finally got it. I want Pat Benetar hair! The rocker in me is dying to get out, yet I’m no rocker. I think it’s time to start growing out the locks again–especially while my hair is still it’s natural color.

      Here’s to green! Do you wear it well?

      A x

      1. Green and me are friends. Especially moss green, bottle green. But it is usually hatd to come by as retailers don’t like to stock green. They say it doesn’t sell.

  4. Green is so good for you Ann, and of course it really brings out the colour of your eyes. Have you changed your hair? It looks lovely and those earrings work so well today too. I’m delighted that you met my friend Ben. Thanks so much for taking the time to catch up with him! Have a fab week x

    1. Thank you Anna! And thank you for drawing it to my attention with green shaggy shrug/tunic/dress. Without that collaboration I don’t think I would have been turned on to this color. Who knows? I could have gone another 30 years!!

      Yes, to my hair. I’ve started cutting my own fringe! I’ve been wanting this rocker type shag/mullet haircut for a while now. I finally just grabbed the scissors and did a little styling myself. I’m hoping for a Pat Benetar vibe!!

      And now that’s it how I want, I’ll be starting the growing out process. I’m ready for my long locks again–especially since I only pull out greys at this stage.

      And, finally, that was so awesome to meet your friend! What a charming man. I wish I could have done more with him, but it sounded like he was traveling with a large party. Such a small world right? And thank you for the shirt!

      Love, Ann

    1. Thank you so much! And also thank you for stopping by and commenting. I got the earrings on a whim at Zara. They came in a pearl style too, but I went for the over-the-top gold!!

      And the dress is from Forever 41–op 41! My trusty standby.

      Love, Ann

    1. Thank you Anna! And thank you for stopping by and commenting!!

      I picked up these earrings at Zara–it was either pearl or gold, so I went for the over-the-top gold!

      Love, Ann

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